Gardening Blog


My name is Kate and I am a gardener.

I never intended to create a gardening blog.

It all started while I was taking the Master Gardener certification course. Initially, I used social media (FB) to “study” a garden word of the day. The posts were purely a fun way for me to share something I love with family and friends while building my gardening vocabulary. After getting certified, I stop posting the Garden Word of the Day – and then got all sorts of flack from the folks who had been reading, learning from, and enjoying my posts. (Who knew?)

As things go, one leading to another, I now have a gardening blog ( and have had 18,000 unique visitors in the past year. Unlike my garden, however, I do not have the skills I need to help my blog grow, which is the reason for taking this course. I look forward to reading your posts and learning from you and I hope you enjoy learning how easy it is to grow fresher, more flavorful food than anything you can buy in a grocery store.

Let’s start blogging!


One comment

  1. Good day! First I want to congratulate you on your success on Facebook. Obtaining 18,000 unique visitors is no small feat! I think one of best ways to grab attention on blogs is not giving up and being as active as possible. Try to participate in something like a post a day on the daily post to jumpstart your blog! Hope this helps!


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